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13th APLAP Conference – Philippines

The 13th APLAP Conference will be an online event hosted by the the Philippines. The virtual conference is scheduled for 15-17 June 2021 (12:30pm-4:30pm, Philippine Standard Time) via Zoom with the theme "Enhancing the Responsiveness and Relevance of Parliamentary Library and Research Services During Times of Crisis". 

Please find attached the APLAP 2021 Online Conference Invitation for Participants .

Contact us at for further information relating to the conference.


Keynote Speakers

Mr Iain Watt, Chair of IFLAPARL 

‘All you need is LOVE’: parliamentary library & research services that support parliaments in winning challenges during times of crisis

Prof. Emad Eisa Saleh, Professor of Information Science, Helwan University, Egypt and Vice president of Arab Federation for Libraries & Information

Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery in Parliamentary Libraries 


Country Reports


Delivering a curated media alerting servce for the clients of the Parliamentary Library, Paper

Delivering a curated media alerting servce for the clients of the Parliamentary Library, PowerPoint Presentation

Karen Beath, Information Management Librarian, Queensland Parliamentary Library


Country Report, Cambodia (Paper)

Sam Oeurn Mardy, Director General, Research Department Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia


Parliamentary Library Report, India (Paper)

Parliament Library Report, India (PowerPoint Presentation)

Anupam Bharadwaj, Joint Director, Indian Parliament Library
Smt. Anita Nanda ,Joint Director, Indian Parliament Library


Country Report, Japan (Paper)

Country Report, Japan (PowerPoint presentation)

Okuyama Hiroyuki, Deputy Director,General Research and Legislative Reference Bureau, National Diet Library


Country Report, Mongolia (Paper)

New Zealand

Country Report, New Zealand (Paper)

Country Report, New Zealand  (PowerPoint presentation)

Daryl Slatter, Research Services Analyst
Lily Phillips, Research Services Librarian
Nicole Cottrell, Research Services Manager



How Parliamentary Libraries in Asia and the Pacific Responded to the Effecs of COVID-19

Waleed Al Badi, Director, Majlis Oman Library

Phillipines – House of Representatives

Philippines – Congressional Library, House of Representatives (Paper)

Philippines – Congressional Library, House of Representatives (Video Link)

Dr. Edgardo H. Pangilinan, Deputy Secretary, General Legislative Information Resources Management Department
Herminia B. Callejo, Executive Director, Legislative Information Reference and Service Development Bureau
Jose V. Enciso, Service Director, Legislative Library Management Service
Fairlyn H. Sarga (Presenter), Chief Information Service Librarian
Jertrude C. Dimaano, Senior Librarian
Rafael C. Del Mundo, Library Specialist
Anna Liza O. Quigao, Senior Librarian

Phillipines – Senate Leglisative Library 

Philippines – Senate Legislative Library Service, Senate of the Philippines (Paper)

Philippines – Senate Legislative Library Service, Senate of the Philippines (Video Link)

Jose G. Villapando, Director Legislative Records and Archives Service, Senate of the Philippines

Republic of Korea – National Assembly Library

Country Report, Republic of Korea National Assembly Library (PowerPoint presentation Link)

Dongmi Seo, Deputy Director of the Legal Translation Management Division, National Assembly Library, Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea – National Assembly Research Service

Country Report, Republic of Korea, National Assembly Research Service (Paper)

JeongJin Lee, National Assembly Research Service, Republic of Korea

Republic of Maldives

Country Report, Republic of Maldives (Paper)

Country Report, Republic of Maldives (Video Link

Solomon Islands

Country Report, Solomon Islands (PowerPoint presentation)

Boniface Supa, Parliamentary Chief Librarian, National Parliament of Solomon Islands


Country Report, Thailand (Paper)

Country Report, Thailand (PowerPoint presentation)