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APLAP Executive Committee

Parliament house marble foyer

At the APLAP General Meeting held during the 13th APLAP Conference (virtual) hosted by the Philippines, delegates appointed the next APLAP Executive Committee.

President: Boniface Supa (National Parliament of the Solomon Islands)

Vice-President (Asia): Fairlyn Sarga (House of Representatives Legislative Library, Philippines)

Vice-President (Pacific): Asha Kumar (Research and Library Unit, Parliament of the Republic of Fiji)

Secretary: Nicole Cottrell (Parliamentary Library, New Zealand)

Treasurer: Fathimath Shiham (Library of the People’s Majlis, Maldives)

Delegates expressed their thanks and appreciation to outgoing President, Edgardo H. Pangilinan, outgoing Secretary, Rosemarie Balidoy-Sommer, and outgoing Treasurer, Katherine Close, for the contribution they have made to the Association during their time as members of the APLAP Executive Committee.